His Holiness Visits Los Angeles

His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV pastoral visit to Detroit

Breaking News:Assyrian Church of the east won the summary judgment (Attached Court Documents)

31st Anniversary of Patriarchal Consecration of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch
31st Anniversary of Patriarchal Consecration of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch
The St. George Parish of the Assyrian Church of the East in Melbourne commemorated and celebrated the Sacerdotal Jubilee and the 31st Anniversary of Patriarchal Consecration of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch on the 14th of October. Taking part in the evening of celebrations were more than 400 members of the Parish and Assyrian community who joined in an evening of fellowship undertaking this momentous anniversary. Throughout the evening the sons and daughters of the Melbourne Parish enjoyed a program which included bible readings, historical and educational speeches delivered by Parish youth, a drama, songs delivered by the Parish choir as well as songs, Church hymns and readings from students of the St. George Assyrian Language School. The evening proved to be a great success where the sons and daughters of the Church embraced the opportunity to lay tribute to the Holy Father of the Church. The tireless work of His Holiness and the spirit of humility and love with which His Holiness has done this work was aptly commemorated. The St. George Parish of the Assyrian Church of the East takes this opportunity to wish His Holiness a blessed anniversary and we hope and pray that the St. Peter of our Times is guided during His continued journey on the path of Christ, maintaining the true and legitimate Apostolic Succession in the Church of the East.

Patriarch Visits Mar Shimun Bar-Sabbai Church in Flint, Michigan USA
Patriarch Visits Mar Shimun Bar-Sabbai Church in Flint, Michigan USA
On August 25-27, 2007, His Holiness, Mar Dinkha IV, visited the Mar Shimun Bar-Sabbai Church in Flint. During His Holiness’ visit to Flint he participated in several events with the church and community.
After arriving on Saturday August 25th, the Patriarch was honored at an evening dinner at the Gateway Holiday Inn Conference Center by church members and members of the Assyrian-American Club of Flint. About 80 persons were present for the Dinner which was arranged by Church President, Earl Smith, and the Mootvah. The event was ably hosted by Flint’s lead Deacon, Rowil David, with lovely decorations of the Patriarch’s table done by the Ladies’ Circle. After welcoming the Patriarch and singing by the choir, a speech was given by church member, George Solomon, acknowledging the sacrifices and contributions of the first Assyrians to arrive in Flint after the genocide of World War I and the establishment of the first Church of the East in the United States. Priests were present at the Patriarch’s head table representing local Orthodox, Maronite and Roman Catholic parishes and presented the Patriarch with a beautiful Cross as a gift to recognize his visit and standing in the world’s faith community. The Patriarch then gave a speech inspiring the entire gathering.
On the morning of Sunday August 26th, in front of a full congregation the Patriarch ordained a new Deacon, John Howell, to the church. Following the Ordination Service, the Patriarch then conducted the Holy Liturgy. All were blessed after receiving Qurbana from the hand of the Patriarch. After Raza he gave a blessing to the infant granddaughter of Mar Shimun Bar-Sabbai’s Qasha, Joseph Peera, prior to her Baptism and then His Holiness proceeded to partake of Breakfast with the congregation of the whole church. The entire morning was a very blessed event for the entire Mar Shimun Bar-Sabbai church family as well as guests from Detroit’s St. Mary’s church and Windsor, Ontario’s church.
That evening a private dinner in honor of the Patriarch was hosted by the family of new Deacon, John Howell. It was held in nearby Frankenmuth, Michigan and included the Mootvah, Qashas and Deacons from Flint and Detroit, as well as family and friends. There were about 70 persons present with remarks given by friends, Deacons and Qasha Peera. The evening was concluded with a moving speech by His Holiness about the Church of the East.
On Monday August 27th, the Mootvah and Deacons of the church hosted a Breakfast for the Patriarch that was to review and discuss the progress of the Mar Shimun Bar-Sabbai church. It was very productive and edifying to those present. Upon conclusion of the Breakfast the Patriarch departed Flint.
His Holiness’ visit to Flint was featured in an article in the Flint Journal newspaper. To read the article refer to www.mlive.com and go to the News+Biz drop-down to Flint Journal. Under Search type Patriarch and find the article dated August 25, 2007. Also, photos from the Patriarch’s visit are featured on the Mar Shimun Bar-Sabbai church website at www.assyrianchurchflint.org. Other recent church events are also featured on the church website.

His Grace Mar Odisho Oraham, the Bishop of Europe and Western California for the Assyrian Church of the East, conducted an episcopal visitation of the Assyrian Church of the East’s Diocese of Western California, which he was mandated to administer by the Holy Synod of the Assyrian Church of the East subsequent to the canonical suspension of ex-bishop Ashur Bawai Soro. His Grace arrived in San Jose, California on Friday, April 20, along with His Grace Mar Meelis Zaia, Bishop of Australia, New Zealand and Secretary of the Holy Synod.
On Sunday, April 22, 2007, His Grace Mar Odisho attended the Holy Qurban at the Mar Narsai Parish, San Francisco. On the same Sunday, His Grace Mar Meelis Zaia celebrated the Holy Qurbana for the Mar Yosip Parish, San Jose. For the Commemoration of Mar Gewargis the Martyr on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 His Grace Mar Odisho celebrated the Holy Qurbana at the Mar Gewargis Parish, Ceres, where over 650 people were in attendance. On the same day, His Grace ordained three men to various orders of the clergy: 1) Shimon Canoun to the order of deacon; 2) Donald Babadelir to the order of sub-deacon; 3) Lenny Toma Rehana to the order or reader. His Grace Mar Odisho will celebrate the Holy Qurbana for the Mar Yosip Parish on Sunday, April 29, 2007. It is worth noting that His Grace Mar Meelis Zaia will celebrate Holy Qurbana at Mar Addai the Apostle Parish, Turlock, on Sunday, April 29, 2007, where a number of young men will be ordained to minor orders of reader and sub-deacon.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Reigning Monarch of the countries of the Commonwealth and Queen of the United Kingdom and Head of the Anglican Church of the England as is the tradition every year on Australia Day bestows an honour role of Australians who are and should be shining examples of success and achievement through a range of different areas. The Order of Australia was instituted by Her Majesty the Queen on 14 February 1975, and was established as "an Australian society of honour for the purpose of according recognition to Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or for meritorious service".
It is with great honour and indeed pleasure that I inform the members of this forum of a piece of amazing and momentous news which should be the delight of the Assyrian Nation world wide.
His Grace Mar Meelis Zaia, Bishop of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East and General-Secretary of the Holy Synod was today included in the honour roll and was made a 'Member of the Order of Australia' one of the civilian achievements bestowed upon Australians.
On the Australian Government's official website for this purpose one may find the name of His Grace and information regarding the Governor-General and Queen Elizabeth II's awards:
Name: ZAIA, Mar Meelis
Award: Member of the Order of Australia
Date granted: 26 January 2007
State: NSW
Suburb: Fairfield
Postcode: 2165
Citation: For service to the community through the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East and through the development of a range of educational facilities." We praise the Holy Name of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, for His everlasting guidance and strength bestowed upon such people as His Grace Mar Meelis who are tirelessly working for the Glory of our blessed holy Church and great Assyrian Nation.

NEWS FROM Diocese of Western California
Court News
On Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at 11:00 am Superior Court Judge Kevin Murphy set the trail date for the pending action for December 10, 2007. It is to be tried before a judge without a jury. This is due to the fact there are issues and claims of equity which cannot, as a matter of law, be tried before a jury. As presiding judge, Judge Kevin Murphy indicated he will assign the trial to a flexible judge due to the fact the latter portion of the trial will be approaching the Christmas Holiday. Judge Murphy will not be the judge for the December 10th court proceedings.
Judge Murphy also asked the attorneys if scheduling a settlement conference would not be appropriate which was confirmed. Therefore, no settlement conference was scheduled.
Latest News On Court Case
On February 6, 2007 the attorneys of the Holy Synod of the Assyrian Church of the East appeared in the Santa Clara County Superior Court in a regularly scheduled Case Management Conference. The judge has set a Trial Setting Conference for April 24, 2007, with the intention of determining a date for court trial. The actual court date cannot be less than 90 days from the Trial Setting Conference date (April 24).
Concurrently the attorneys of the Assyrian Church of the East are preparing a Motion for Summary Judgment, where the Church (through her attorneys) will move that Judge Huber adjudicate this case before it reaches trial, based on the merits of the vast amount of documentary evidence favoring the Church’s position. The Church’s attorneys will also pursue plans to depose the former bishop very soon. Subpoenas have already been sent out to certain persons involved with the former bishop in various capacities; it is expected that they comply without delay. Naturally, the former bishop is trying to stall the setting of a trial date by various means. The Church’s attorneys are fully prepared to go ahead with both the Summary Judgment and the trial itself without delay.
It is requested that the faithful sons and daughters of the Assyrian Church of the East pray for their Holy Church during these trying times when the Church of the East is being persecuted and brought to suffer with the crucified Lord.
NEWS FROM Diocese of Australia & New Zealand

Overwhelming response by Local Assyrian Community in Prayer Vigil on the Eve of the feast of St Mary
An emotional evening prayer vigil was held at the Assyrian Church of the East, St Mary’s Parish, Polding Street, Fairfield on Tuesday 14 August on the eve of the Feast of St Mary, marking the conclusion of the 2007 Assyrian Christian Women’s Conference.
This Prayer Vigil, illuminated by hundreds of candles and prayer asked The Virgin Mary to join us in prayer and supplication to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, beseeching His blessings, guidance and relief for the suffering of Assyrian Christians women in Iraq
More than 400 hundred local Assyrian men, women and children responded to the call to join their fellow Assyrian community in prayer
His Grace Bishop Mar Meelis Zaia, Bishop for the Australian and New Zealand Diocese said,
“ The response by the Assyrian community has been overwhelming.”
“ We hold the blessed Virgin Mary in the highest regard within the Assyrian church of the East.”
Bishop Zaia added, “The parishioners of the Church of the East felt this was their collective way to show spiritual support through the power of Prayer.”
“With one voice the community has prayed for the alleviation of the sufferings of our fellow Christian Assyrians in Iraq.”
Part of the Local Assyrian campaign is to bring attention to the suffering, persecution and crimes being committed against the Christian Assyrians in Iraq.
NEWS FROM Diocese of Eastern USA

Breaking News:Assyrian Church of the east won the summary judgment (Attached Court Documents) 
Latest Legal Update
Chicago Youth Conference 2007
His Holiness Visits Vatican
His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV Blesses Graduates and Honors Dr. Donny George with the Patriarchal Medal of Honor
Latest case briefing: ACOE vs Ex Bishop
Rev. Fr. Patros Youkhana Receives PhD
His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV Receives Dr Donny George
His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV addressed a letter to The President of the United States of America